Tuesday 5 November 2013


Here I painted the hand of the same character as previously in tomatoes so that it matched up with a drawn background, so that it camouflaged in quite well.

This is the same painting only taken as a whole against a white background so that you can clearly see the design in itself, making it appear almost like a glove being worn.

A portrayal of character

This is a face painting I did on a character reflecting their likes and dislikes when it comes to food. On the left you have their most hated food; tomatoes, and on the right their most loved; bacon and egg sandwiches. An aspect of real character has been displayed by the use of glasses being worn, so give this image some reality.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Likes and dislikes painted across a character's face

I painted this character's face with a combination of his most favourite food, bacon and egg sandwiches, and the food that he hates the most, tomatoes. This portrays both his likes and his dislikes next to each other. This is like a small scale snippet of his personality plastered across his face for the world to see.
I'm really pleased with this, except for the bacon and egg sandwich aspect. Without me saying it's bacon and egg sandwiches you would never know it's bacon and egg sandwiches. To improve this I will try separating the sandwich elements apart, and then paint it back on from a birds eye view, so you can clearly see the different elements.

Models: Elisa, Lari. This is a really bold, strong image, which is emphasised by the black and white quality of the photograph.

Taking inspiration from Johannes Stotter

This is one of Johannes Stotter's pieces, where he has painted the model to blend into the cracked ground, so that you have to look carefully to see that it's a person. The only characteristics that you can immediately identify of being human are the facial features, but even then they blend in rather well. I want to adapt this idea for my own designs, making the pattern on my characters face blend into the background. I could also apply this pattern and idea to other areas of the body such as the hands, which would blend into the background easier being flatter. I will experiment with pencil crayoned background, acrylic background and also actual object background, to see which works best and blending in.

Saturday 31 August 2013

Model: Lari. This photograph from the photoshoot creates a ghostly appearance of the model, as the image is blurry. I really like the swirling appearance of the dress, which is made of one gigantic piece of fabric, with another lighter, translucent fabric draped over sections of the dress to create an effect of an illusion, like a ghost.

Model: Lari. This is a really beautiful photograph from the photoshoot, with the face of the model looking right at the camera, yet you are unable to clearly make out her facial features. This also gives the image a ghostly effect that contributes to the overall theme of the magazine.

Model: Elisa. This is a photograph from our photoshoot, that was inspired by the fashion photographer Tim Walker, with the veil over the models face, and the object on her head. I really like this photograph as there is great contrast between the pure white of the dress and the dark blue veil over the models face. There is also contrast between the delicacy and couture-like quality of the outfit, and the location this photograph was taken in. These contrasts help emphasise one another, and create power in the image.